The Town of Zolfo Springs hosted the Ridge League of Cities September Membership Dinner at the Ranch 17 Event Venue in Wauchula. What an exciting evening! A total of 236 were in attendance including 183 City Members and 53 Associate Members. Eighteen (18) of the twenty-four (24) RLC member cities were represented. In addition to the host town, those cities in double digits included Auburndale, Fort Meade, Wauchula, Bartow, and the winner of the City Traveling Trophy, Mulberry. Kimley-Horn won the Associate Member trophy. Thanks to all the Associate Members in attendance and for all the Associate Members continued support of the Ridge League of Cities. A special recognition was given to the Mancini Packing Group Partnership for their years of economic success in Hardee County.
The 2024-2025 RLC Board of Directors and the 2024-2025 President, Zolfo Springs Mayor Rod Cannon were sworn in and administered the Oath of Office by Florida League of Cities President Michael Blake. The prestigious Ridge League of Cities Nettie Draughon Municipal Official of the Year Award was presented to Auburndale Mayor Dorothea Taylor Bogert, and the Past President’s Plaque was presented to Haines City Vice Mayor Morris West. Congratulations to you all!