At the May 2023 Board Meeting in Bartow, the Ridge League of Cities Board of Directors approved restating the organization’s By-Laws (Restated By-Law). The governing document was last amended in 2005. The Board as a whole, started reviewing the By-Laws in November 2022. The Executive Director noted that most changes were housekeeping in nature. The following five (5) sections in the adopted document represent amendments that were approved by the Board:
ARTICLE II MEMBERSHIP Section 2. This section is being amended to add elected state and federal officials/offices representing the Ridge League Municipalities to the list of eligible Associate Memberships.
ARTICLE III BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 4. This section is being amended to allow Board Meetings to be held virtually with Board concurrence.
ARTICLE III BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 5. This section is being amended to require a minimum of five (5) members to satisfy a quorum.
ARTICLE IV OFFICERS Section 2. This section is completely restated to reflect a previously approved Policy (Policy #3 03/29/2012) providing for election and succession of Officers.
ARTICLE VIII NOMINATING AND OTHER COMMITTEES Section 1. Current By-Laws require two standing committees (Legislative and Nominating). This section is being amended to eliminate a required Legislative Committee given the advocacy role of the full Board of Directors. The Nominating Committee section was reworded for clarification. It was noted that the President may also appoint committees from time-to-time as deemed necessary, including one with some legislative purpose, if needed.